PS3 Hacked
ويزگي اين نرم افزار جالب(حتما امتحان كنيد) Search the list of games on different local directories on disk or usb on a PS3 via FTP
نظرات شما عزیزان:
Changes the minimum OS version or the PS3, PSP remote play 'the game
Displays games in a list, icons or images.
You can specify multiple directories containing games
Ability to browse the tree on the PS3 with a mini browser to add the directories games.
Get the image ID, name, file date, the minimum OS version, the version of the game, the size and the PSP remote play.
You can copy the games from the list
You can print the list or save it to a text file.
You can also view images of the game
It may be in English language.
Added compatibility information jailbreak Ps.
Change deployment tool to create the installer (Inno Setup Compiler) to correct updates Ps3Win that does not overwrite the exe file. This should also reduce errors Ps3Win installation, it is particularly compatible with Windows 7.
Ability to specify a destination directory for pkg.
Fixed the error "APP_VER entry IS required 'to create some games pkg
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